Hydrology Dashboard Webinar

(Europe/Zurich: 22 نيسان/ أبريل 2022, 00:00 - 23:59)
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The WMO HydroHub in collaboration with other WMO divisions, has designed and conducted a Global Hydrology Survey to collect information on governmental and non-governmental organizations that are responsible for operational hydrology within countries, their capabilities, structure, hydrological networks, data management and hydrological forecasting characteristics. In 2020, 101 WMO Members completed the WMO Hydrology Survey. Based on the Members' responses, the Hydrology Dashboard has been developed aiming at presenting and making available to the public valuable information on operational hydrological services worldwide. 


The Webinar demonstrated how the Hydrology Dashboard works, and how to interpret and use the available information. 

Webinar Recording
