Monthly Weather Summary - March 2022 - Kingdom of Bahrain

07 نيسان/ أبريل 2022

March 2022 was warmer than normal in temperatures with below average precipitation and above average wind speed. The mean temperature of the month was 22.3°C which is 1.0°C above the long-term normal for March. Note that the highest mean monthly temperature for March was 24.6°C recorded in 2018. The mean maximum temperature of the month was 26.9°C which is 1.4°C above the long-term normal and this goes on record as the seventh highest mean temperature for March since 1946. Note that the highest mean monthly maximum temperature for March was 29.6°C recorded in 2018.

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March 2022 was warmer than normal in temperatures with below average precipitation and above average wind speed. The mean temperature of the month was 22.3°C which is 1.0°C above the long-term normal for March. Note that the highest mean monthly temperature for March was 24.6°C recorded in 2018. The mean maximum temperature of the month was 26.9°C which is 1.4°C above the long-term normal and this goes on record as the seventh highest mean temperature for March since 1946. Note that the highest mean monthly maximum temperature for March was 29.6°C recorded in 2018.

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  • عضو المنظمة (WMO):
  • Bahrain