64th issue of the TCC News - Japan Meteorological Agency

18 حزيران/ يونيو 2021

The Tokyo Climate Center (TCC) of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) has released the 64th issue of the TCC News on the TCC website. This issue covers: - El Niño Outlook (June - December 2021) - JMA's Seasonal Numerical Ensemble Prediction for Boreal Summer 2021 - Summary of the 2020/2021 Asian Winter Monsoon - TCC and WMC Tokyo co-contributions to Regional Climate Outlook Forums

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The Tokyo Climate Center (TCC) of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) has released the 64th issue of the TCC News on the TCC website. This issue covers: - El Niño Outlook (June - December 2021) - JMA's Seasonal Numerical Ensemble Prediction for Boreal Summer 2021 - Summary of the 2020/2021 Asian Winter Monsoon - TCC and WMC Tokyo co-contributions to Regional Climate Outlook Forums

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    • عضو المنظمة (WMO):
    • Japan