63rd issue of the TCC News - Japan Meteorological Agency

09 آذار/ مارس 2021

The Tokyo Climate Center (TCC) of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) has released the 63rd issue of the TCC News on the TCC website. This issue covers: - The year 2020 tied with 2016 as the warmest since 1891 - Highlights of the Global Climate in 2020 - Summary of Japan's Climatic Characteristics for 2020 - New Indian Ocean Dipole products - TCC and WMC Tokyo co-contributions to ASEANCOF-15 - TCC Activity Report for 2020


The Tokyo Climate Center (TCC) of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) has released the 63rd issue of the TCC News on the TCC website. This issue covers: - The year 2020 tied with 2016 as the warmest since 1891 - Highlights of the Global Climate in 2020 - Summary of Japan's Climatic Characteristics for 2020 - New Indian Ocean Dipole products - TCC and WMC Tokyo co-contributions to ASEANCOF-15 - TCC Activity Report for 2020


  • عضو المنظمة (WMO):
  • Japan