300 trainees from over 70 countries joined online course of climate monitoring and forecasting technique - China Meteorological Administration

10 حزيران/ يونيو 2020

From May 18 to 31, 300 trainees from over 70 countries have joined online short-term climate monitoring and forecasting technique training held by China Meteorological Administration Training Centre (CMATC).This training course has not only recruited trainees from Asia, Africa and Latino America, but also attracted staff from national climate and hydrological services in Denmark, Japan, Italy, Spain, and New Zealand.Patrick Parrish, Chief of Training Activities Division at World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has written to express full recognition of the success of the training course.


From May 18 to 31, 300 trainees from over 70 countries have joined online short-term climate monitoring and forecasting technique training held by China Meteorological Administration Training Centre (CMATC).This training course has not only recruited trainees from Asia, Africa and Latino America, but also attracted staff from national climate and hydrological services in Denmark, Japan, Italy, Spain, and New Zealand.Patrick Parrish, Chief of Training Activities Division at World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has written to express full recognition of the success of the training course.


    • عضو المنظمة (WMO):
    • China