OSCAR/Surface Training Course for the RA-II East Asia Subregion - Japan Meteorological Agency

08 كانون الثاني/ يناير 2020

The Observing Systems Capability Analysis and Review Tool (OSCAR) provides detailed information on Earth Observation applications and on World Meteorological Organization (WMO) research and global coordination. The resource consists of OSCAR/Requirements, OSCAR/Space and OSCAR/Surface (a developing inventory of all surface-based stations and related capabilities) as interlinked components. WMO Members need to learn how to use the tool for successful implementation of the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) Metadata Standard approved at the Seventeenth Session of the World Meteorological Congress in 2015.


The Observing Systems Capability Analysis and Review Tool (OSCAR) provides detailed information on Earth Observation applications and on World Meteorological Organization (WMO) research and global coordination. The resource consists of OSCAR/Requirements, OSCAR/Space and OSCAR/Surface (a developing inventory of all surface-based stations and related capabilities) as interlinked components. WMO Members need to learn how to use the tool for successful implementation of the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) Metadata Standard approved at the Seventeenth Session of the World Meteorological Congress in 2015.


    • عضو المنظمة (WMO):
    • Japan