2019 Southwest Monsoon Season Rainfall and IMD’s Long Range Forecasts

08 تشرين الأول/ أكتوبر 2019

The 2019 southwest monsoon season comes to end with above normal seasonal (June to September) rainfall. Quantitatively monsoon seasonal rainfall was 110% of its Long Period Average, which is 88 cm. Out of 36 meteorological subdivisions, 2 sub divisions received large excess, 10 received excess and 19 sub divisions received normal monsoon rainfall. Out of 36 sub divisions, 5 sub divisions however received deficient rainfall, but deficiency was in 20s except for Haryana, Delhi and Chandigarh where the deficiency was 42%. The 5 sub divisions accounted about 15% of total area of the country. On an average, about 20% of area of the country receives deficient or scanty rainfall during the monsoon season.

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The 2019 southwest monsoon season comes to end with above normal seasonal (June to September) rainfall. Quantitatively monsoon seasonal rainfall was 110% of its Long Period Average, which is 88 cm. Out of 36 meteorological subdivisions, 2 sub divisions received large excess, 10 received excess and 19 sub divisions received normal monsoon rainfall. Out of 36 sub divisions, 5 sub divisions however received deficient rainfall, but deficiency was in 20s except for Haryana, Delhi and Chandigarh where the deficiency was 42%. The 5 sub divisions accounted about 15% of total area of the country. On an average, about 20% of area of the country receives deficient or scanty rainfall during the monsoon season.


  • عضو المنظمة (WMO):
  • India