Monthly Weather Summary - March 2019 - Kingdom of Bahrain

15 نيسان/ أبريل 2019

March 2019 was slightly cooler than normal in temperatures with below average precipitation and relative humidities. The mean temperature of the month was 20.8°C which is 0.2°C below the long-term normal for March. The mean maximum temperature of the month was 24.3°C which is 0.4°C below the long-term normal. The highest temperature recorded during the month was 27.8°C which occurred on the 25th March at Bahrain International Airport but recorded 28.8°C on the same day at Durrat Al Bahrain.

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March 2019 was slightly cooler than normal in temperatures with below average precipitation and relative humidities. The mean temperature of the month was 20.8°C which is 0.2°C below the long-term normal for March. The mean maximum temperature of the month was 24.3°C which is 0.4°C below the long-term normal. The highest temperature recorded during the month was 27.8°C which occurred on the 25th March at Bahrain International Airport but recorded 28.8°C on the same day at Durrat Al Bahrain.

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    • عضو المنظمة (WMO):
    • Bahrain