Monthly Weather Summary - October 2018 - Kingdom of Bahrain

08 تشرين الثاني/ نوفمبر 2018

October 2018, was warmer than normal in temperatures and above average precipitation. The month was wet with 3 rainy days, accumulating 19.9 mm of precipitation at Bahrain International Airport. This goes on record as the highest monthly total Precipitation for October at Bahrain International Airport since 1902 and 40 times more than the long-term normal for October which is 0.5 mm. 

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October 2018, was warmer than normal in temperatures and above average precipitation. The month was wet with 3 rainy days, accumulating 19.9 mm of precipitation at Bahrain International Airport. This goes on record as the highest monthly total Precipitation for October at Bahrain International Airport since 1902 and 40 times more than the long-term normal for October which is 0.5 mm. 

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    • عضو المنظمة (WMO):
    • Bahrain