China’s Legislation and Policies Related to PPE in the field of Meteorological Service

01 تموز/ يوليو 2020

Compendium of Good National Practices for Public-Private Engagement 

China’s Legislation and Policies Related to PPE in the field of Meteorological Service 

At present, China has no special laws and regulations that specifically regulate the boundaries and relations between the public and private sectors in the meteorological field. The rules and regulations governing the boundaries and interaction between the public and private sectors are scattered in laws, administrative regulations, local regulations, and departmental regulations related to China’s meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation activities. A prominent feature of the relevant legal documents is the consistent emphasis and legally binding provisions on the authority of public meteorological offices (i.e. China Meteorological Administration and its local offices) in the public weather forecast and weather warnings. In relation to non-public meteorological services, in particular the commercial services, the Country has been relaxing restrictions and increasing policies, measures and institutional arrangement to level playing field in order to boost the industry of meteorological services.

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