WMO HydroHub Innovation Snapshot: Introduction to non-contact technologies for hydrometry (Issue No. 1 - July 2023)

25 تموز/ يوليو 2023

This Innovation Snapshot introduces the use of noncontact technologies for hydrological measurements. An overview of general measurement principles is provided, and field applications of such technologies are presented, including some examples from the WMO HydroHub Second Innovation Call in 2020. This document is not intended to provide detailed technical guidance for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs), but rather a snapshot of examples of recent innovations in the field.

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  • Article
  • Salvador Peña-Haro, Photrack AG
  • Sumit Sen, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
  • Nick van de Giesen, Delft University of Technology