El Niño/La Niña Update (October 2010)

11 تشرين الأول/ أكتوبر 2010

Moderate to strong La Niña conditions are now well established in the equatorial 

Pacific. Sea surface temperature departures in the central and eastern equatorial 

Pacific are now at, or just above, the mid-range of those found during the past La 

Niña events. These La Niña conditions are likely to continue at least into the first 

quarter of 2011. Although the current La Niña has some similarities to past 

events, its impact upon local climates may differ from those observed in the 

past. For management of climate-related risks during this event, it is important 

to consult regional climate information and seasonal outlooks that account for 

both the prevailing La Niña conditions and other factors with potential influence 

on the local climate.

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Document type:
  • El NIño / La Niña Update