Africa Hydrological Conference

(Africa/Cairo: 14 Октября 2024, 23:00 - 22:59)


WMO in collaboration with AMCOW and the Government of Egypt, and in partnership with a wide range of institutions, is organizing the Africa Hydrological Conference, which will host several sessions in the framework of Cairo Water Week and Africa Water Week.

The Africa Hydrological Conference foresees the following sessions:

  • Policy and Technical Solutions for Water Data Diplomacy and Exchange (Including expert experience exchange, networking break, and interactive exercise)
  • Plenary Session: Actions for Water and Climate Adaptation and Resilience
  • Building a Water-Secure Future for Africa: Capacity Building Success Stories for Sustainable Water Management and Africa Hydrological Conference
  • Innovation in Climate Change Adaptation 
  • Africa Hydrological Dialogue (Including RA I Africa Hydrological Forum)
Poster for the Africa Hydrological Conference, hosted by the World Meteorological Organization, October 15-17, 2024, in Cairo. It details event sessions and includes logos of participating organizations.