2023 Geneva Trialogue on Open Innovation for Education

(Europe/Zurich: 16 Марта 2023, 00:00 - 23:59)
Прошедшее событие

Meyrin, Швейцария

The WMO HydroHub was invited to be a Lead Partner in the 2023 Geneva Trialogue on Open Innovation for Education, co-organized by UNITAR, University of Geneva (UNIGE), Open Geneva and Crowd4SDG. The event took place on 16 March 2023 at CERN, in hybrid format.

The 2023 Geneva Trialogue was the kick-off event for the 2023 Open Geneva Festival (16-26 March), the yearly hackathon festival of the larger Geneva area, aimed at promoting and addressing sustainable development challenges through collective intelligence. During the Trialogue, 12 Lead Partners proposed an institutional challenge under a cross-cutting SDG theme, and each one of them led an Acceleration Table discussion involving several participants. The Acceleration Table discussions were meant for participants to share their views, insights and expertise on the chosen challenge topic, and exploring feasible solutions and ideas to be put forward at the 2023 Open Geneva Festival. 

The Geneva Trialogue 2023's theme was “Open Innovation for Education”, and the WMO HydroHub hosted the Acceleration Table on "Creating Innovative and Sustainable Water Monitoring Around the World", involving participants from academia, private sector, governmental agencies, international organizations and non-profit organizations from all around the world. 


