Tropical Cyclone Programme
The Tropical Cyclone Programme (TCP) allows tropical cyclone forecasters to access various sources that provide conventional and specialized data/products, including those from Numerical Weather Predictions (NWP) and remote sensing observations, as well as forecasting tools on the development, motion, intensification and wind distribution of tropical cyclones. As part of the Weather and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Services Department, the Programme is tasked with establishing national and regionally coordinated systems to ensure that the loss of life and damage caused by tropical cyclones are reduced to a minimum. The TCP is effected on both national and regional levels through cooperative action and covers activities of Members, WMO regional associations, other international and regional bodies and the WMO Secretariat.
The Tropical Cyclone Programme (TCP) aims to ensure, through its national and regional coordinated systems, that the loss of life and damage caused by tropical cyclones are reduced to a minimum. The Programme plans to expand its platform to include more data and tools as they become available and to publish techniques and best practices from tropical cyclone forecast centres.
The main Programme objectives are to encourage and assist its Members to:
provide reliable forecasts of tropical cyclone tracks and intensities, and related forecasts of strong winds, quantitative forecasts and timely assessments of heavy rainfall, quantitative forecasts and simulation of storm surges, along with timely warnings covering all tropical cyclone-prone areas;
provide forecasts of floods associated with tropical cyclones;
promote awareness of warnings and carry out activities at the interface between the warning systems and the users of warnings, including public information, education and awareness;
provide the required basic meteorological and hydrological data and advice to support hazard assessment and risk evaluation of tropical cyclone disasters; and
establish national disaster preparedness and prevention measures.
The General Component of the Tropical Cyclone Programme is concerned with methodology like transfer of technology, information and scientific knowledge to Members and encompasses the broader training requirements of the Programme.
The Regional Component comprises the planning and implementation of the programmes of the Tropical Cyclone Programme Regional Bodies. Each of the five Regional Bodies has an Operational Plan or Manual which records the agreements reached on the sharing of responsibilities for the warning services and their infrastructures, throughout its region. The plans were designed to provide the best possible forecasting and warning services within the limits of scientific knowledge and technological developments and of the available resources, ensuring full coordination and taking maximum advantage of the high level of cooperation which has been achieved. These plans are regularly updated to incorporate new facilities, advances and developments.
Find out more on the tropical cyclone regional bodies
Latest information available on TCFW (Training material)
Operational Meteorology
Activities under this field are concerned with the provision of the required basic meteorological data, analyses and other processed products together with the application of appropriate techniques to ensure accurate tropical cyclone forecasting and timely warnings. The Operational Tropical Cyclone Plans/Manual drawn up by Tropical Cyclone Regional Bodies are important accomplishments in this field.
Activities under this field are based on the WMO Operational Hydrology Programme (OHP) and are concerned with the provision of the required basic hydrological data and the application of the appropriate techniques to ensure accurate flood forecasting and timely warnings. Within the programmes of the Typhoon Committee and the Panel on Tropical Cyclones, wider accomplishments in this field, related to flood plain management and hydrological research, were achieved with the cooperation of United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).
Disaster Risk Reduction
Activities under this field are concerned with all other structural and non-structural measures required to ensure the maximum safety of human life and the reduction of damage to a minimum.
40th Anniversary of the Tropical Cyclone Programme
Regional Tropical Cyclone bodies congratulate the Programme and highlight the value of cooperation
From Kenneth Graham, Director of the RSMC-Hurricane Center Miami, USA, and Chair of the Hurricane Committee:
From Mnikeli Ndabambi, Acting Chief Executive Officer of the South African Weather Service:
From Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre Jakarta, Indonesia:
From Misaeli Funaki, Director of RSMC-Tropical Cyclone Center Nandi, Fiji:
From Emmanuel Cloppet, Director of RSMC-Tropical Cyclone Center La Reunion, France, and Chair of the Tropical Cyclone Committee for the South-West Indian Ocean
From Chris Noble, Chairperson of the Tropical Cyclone Committee for the South Pacific and South-East Indian Ocean, and Steve Ready (former chairperson of the Committee):