Placing Water at the Heart of Climate Action through Locally led Adaptation

(America/New_York: 23 Марта 2023, 14:00 - 15:15)
Прошедшее событие

New York, New York, Соединенные Штаты

Placing the Water at the Heart of Climate Action through Locally-led Adaptation

Placing Water at the Heart of Climate Action through Locally led Adaptation 

Official Side Event of the UN 2023 Water Conference

Co-organized by: The Netherlands, IFRC, UNDRR, and WMO and co-sponsored by AOSIS 

Time: 14:00-15:15 pm ET | 19:00- 20:15pm CET

Location: Conference Room 6, UNHQ 

Link to join online: To be added 


Welcoming remarks by moderator (4 mins)

  • Ms. Toni-Shae Freckleton, Chief, UN Disaster Risk Reduction - Liaison Office in New York (tbc)

Opening remarks (4 mins each)

  • H.E. Ms. Liesje Schreinemacher, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Kingdom of the Netherlands
  • Mr. Jagan Chapagain, Secretary General, IFRC

Setting the scene – Voice from the Ground (4 mins)

  • Mr. Robert Kwesiga, Secretary-General, Uganda Red Cross

Spotlight on “Placing Water at the Heart of Climate Action” partnership (3 mins each)

  • Ms. Loretta Hieber Girardet, Chief, Risk Knowledge, Monitoring and Capacity-
  • Development Branch, UNDRR
  • Dr. Stefan Uhlenbrook, Director of Hydrology, Water and Cryosphere, WMO
  • Mr. Derk Segaar, Director of International Assistance, Netherlands Red Cross

Complementary interventions by UN Member States and stakeholders from the floor (3 mins each)

  • H.E. Carlos Mesquita, Minister of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources,
  • Mozambique
  • Ms. Brenda Mallory, Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality,
  • United States
  • TBC

Closing remarks (4 mins each)

  • Mr. Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General, WMO
  • Ms. Mami Mizutori, Assistant Secretary-General, UNDRR
  • H.E. Mr. Fatumanava-o-Upolu III Dr Pa’olelei Luteru, Permanent Representative of Samoa to the UN and Chair of the Alliance of Small Island States

Final wrap-up and thank you (2 mins)

  • Mr. Jagan Chapagain, Secretary General, IFRC