WMO commits to a greener future

30 Сентября 2021

The World Meteorological Organization has signed a long-term agreement with Services Industriels de Genève (SIG) to connect the  WMO building to a new environmentally friendly initiative called GENILAC. 

The agreement was signed by WMO Secretary-General Prof. Petteri Taalas and senior SIG executives at a ceremony on 28 September and represents a major step in the commitment to green the WMO.

GENILAC is a 100% renewable thermal solution which uses lake water to both cool and heat buildings in the centre of Geneva.

Using water from deep in Lac Leman and the magic of thermal dynamics, Genilac will allow WMO to heat and cool its headquarters. This will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 80%, as well as electricity (80% less) and water (10%) used for cooling systems.

WMO is excited to be a founding partner in such an important and innovative project. This project along with the installation of photovoltaic panels on the roof, and the replacement of the building management and  automation systems will allow us to drastically reduce WMO’s carbon footprint and maintain the highest environmental standards.

WMO signs contract with SIG to use lake water energy

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