China’s first upper-air UAV integrated typhoon sounding experiment

20 Августа 2020

On the afternoon of August 2, during the impact of this year’s 3rd typhoon Sinlaku on Hainan, an upper-air meteorological Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) lifted off from Boao Airport and dropped off 30 sondes, which carried out CT three-dimensional scan of the peripheral cloud system of the typhoon together with millimeter wave radar.

With the real-time vertical profiling observation data like temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind direction, wind direction and hydrometeor of the peripheral cloud system of the typhoon transferred to the ground commanding system, China’s first large scale marine and typhoon integrated observation experiment via drone has been rounded out, which has filled in the vacancy of China’s first marine integrated observation experiment based on upper-air large scale UAV.

According to Mr. Qian Chuanhai, Director of Typhoon and Ocean Meteorological Prediction Center of China Meteorological Administration (CMA), despite the steady progress of typhoon prediction level of China, the deficiency of marine observation data was a handicap to the research into typhoon generation principle and prediction technology development. The data from this experiment has provided crucial reference for locating the center of the typhoon, and borne significance to further ramping up China’s typhoon track and intensity prediction accuracy, and consolidating disaster preparedness.

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