Integrating private sector observations in operational weather forecasting in Norway

01 Марта 2020

Compendium of Good National Practices for Public-Private Engagement 

Integrating private sector observations in operational weather forecasting in Norway 

Jørn Kristiansen (MET Norway), Thomas Nipen (MET Norway) and Celine Bensahla (Netatmo) 

The weather app Yr builds on a demand-driven approach to services based on the idea that a weather forecast is not complete before it is received (exchangeable information) and understood (usable information) by the end-user, and meets a need in a decision process (useful information). Here we present how a public-private collaboration can facilitate an innovative scientific approach to address the growing need for accurate and reliable weather predictions, integrating private sector observations from Netatmo’s network of Smart Weather Stations in the value chain structure operational at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET Norway).

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