Upgraded NWP system empowers global tropical cyclone prediction - China Meteorological Administration

06 septembre 2021

On September 1, CMA’s independently developed global assimilation forecast system GRAPES_GFS completed upgrading.Using this system, CMA has carried out prediction for the track and gale of hurricane Ida and Nora from August 28 UT. After the upgrading of GRAPES_GFS, the tropical cyclone forecast scope of World Meteorological Centre (Beijing) is expanded from Northwest Pacific and the South China Sea to the entire world.


On September 1, CMA’s independently developed global assimilation forecast system GRAPES_GFS completed upgrading.Using this system, CMA has carried out prediction for the track and gale of hurricane Ida and Nora from August 28 UT. After the upgrading of GRAPES_GFS, the tropical cyclone forecast scope of World Meteorological Centre (Beijing) is expanded from Northwest Pacific and the South China Sea to the entire world.


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