Monthly Weather Summary - January 2020 - Kingdom of Bahrain

06 février 2020

January 2020 was warmer than normal in temperatures and above-average precipitation. The mean temperature of the month was 18.1°C which is 1.1°C above the long-term normal for January. The mean maximum temperature of the month was 21.0°C which is 1.0°C above the long-term normal. The highest temperature recorded during the month was 29.2°C which occurred on the 4th January at Bahrain International Airport and goes on record as the third highest maximum temperature for January since 1946 and only exceeded by 23rd January 1953 with a record of 31.7°C and 31st  January 2015 with a record of 29.7°C.  

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January 2020 was warmer than normal in temperatures and above-average precipitation. The mean temperature of the month was 18.1°C which is 1.1°C above the long-term normal for January. The mean maximum temperature of the month was 21.0°C which is 1.0°C above the long-term normal. The highest temperature recorded during the month was 29.2°C which occurred on the 4th January at Bahrain International Airport and goes on record as the third highest maximum temperature for January since 1946 and only exceeded by 23rd January 1953 with a record of 31.7°C and 31st  January 2015 with a record of 29.7°C.  

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