The weather in Germany in August 2018 - Deutscher Wetterdienst

12 septembre 2018

August 2018 was another month in the sequence of extremely warm, excessively dry and unusually sunny months that began in April 2018. This made the period April to August 2018 the warmest, sunniest and also one of the driest since regular measurements first started. In many places, there were new station records. The effects for nature and agriculture were catastrophic in many regions. This is what the initial analysis by the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) of data from its around 2,000 weather stations shows.

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August 2018 was another month in the sequence of extremely warm, excessively dry and unusually sunny months that began in April 2018. This made the period April to August 2018 the warmest, sunniest and also one of the driest since regular measurements first started. In many places, there were new station records. The effects for nature and agriculture were catastrophic in many regions. This is what the initial analysis by the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) of data from its around 2,000 weather stations shows.

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