Key messages day 2 - OCP-HL-2

01 mai 2021
  • The 2021-2030 decade: Significant changes envisaged in the roles and operations of all stakeholders in the weather and climate enterprise including the NMHSs​ 
  • The question of the NMHS’s roles and responsibilities is a central question we should be discussing continuously​ NMHSs need to become more society oriented ​ 
  • The great diversity in the legal and institutional frameworks under which the NMHSs are set and operate in the different countries will remain, there will be no “one size fits all”​ 
  • A common challenge for the NMHS will be how to engage with other stakeholders in a multi-sector enterprise that will serve better the society and will better use available resources​ 
  • The forthcoming OCP White Paper “Future of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services” will try to address these issues and provide guiding scenarios for mid- to long-term planning by decision-makers​
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