Resource Mobilization

Mobilizing financial and in-kind resources for development and modernization efforts is critical for WMO Members. Extra-budgetary resources are often the only means to fund new equipment, capacity development, training of staff, and other initiatives essential for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) to serve their countries best.

In line with the WMO strategic objectives and in support of these Members, resource mobilization is being pursued across three spheres of engagement:

  1. WMO Secretariat extrabudgetary projects and activities, including technical assistance, capacity development, development projects, research- and innovation-based activities, and augmentation of WMO global programs requiring resources beyond the regular budget.
  2. WMO flagship initiatives, for which the majority of investment and implementation will be delivered outside the WMO Secretariat, are Early Warnings for All, the Global Basic Observing Network (GBON), and Global Greenhouse Gas Watch (G3W).
  3. Broader support to Members including supporting development partners to deliver technically appropriate needs-based investments and assisting Members to mobilize resources directly.

Many initiatives and projects are active across more than one of these spheres, thereby strengthening efficiencies and scaling up impact. All contribute to the resource mobilization objectives promoting the global public good and research advances, whole-of-institution support to Members, and leveraging for impact.

A Venn diagram shows the overlap and integration of "Secretariat extrabudgetary projects and activities," "Broader support to members," and "WMO flagship initiatives" in WMO Resource Mobilisation.

For more information: WMO Resource Mobilization Strategy.