Enhancing Water Resources Knowledge for Climate Action

(Asia/Baku: 20 Ноября 2024, 10:00 - 11:30)
Прошедшее событие

This event will present the latest findings of the Global State of the Water Resources Report and highlight the fundamental role of hydrological data and information on building climate resilience through evidence-informed decision making. This event will be highlighting solutions across the hydrological value chain from monitoring to modelling and issuing warnings. The participants will have the opportunity to discuss these topics in depth during an interactive roundtable session. The event will also feature an engaging segment highlighting how the presented knowledge could be integrated in the policy space through UNFCCC processes such as Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) monitoring, the development of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and National Determined Contributions (NDCs).


Moderator: Nicolas Franke 

Segment 1:

Ms. Ko Barett, DSG, WMO: Welcome and Introduction

Prof. Stefan Uhlenbrook, Director of Hydrology, Water Resources, and Cryosphere, WMO: “What is the state of the global water resources, and how can the latest water information guide climate adaptation, mitigation and resilience building?” Including findings from the State of the Global Water Resources Report

Dr. Amir Givati, General Director, Israel Meteorological Service Sharing country perspective on contributing to the State of the Global Water Resources Report to enhance knowledge on hydrological data

Ms. Arlene Birt, Founder & Visual Storyteller of Background Stories, Designer of the IPCC 2023 AR6 Synthesis Report Perspectives on effective communication of hydrological data and science 

Segment 2: Interactive segment with the audience

Facilitator: Dominique Berod

  1. Role of Data and Monitoring for Better Decision-Making
  2. Role of Communication in Delivering the Message
  3. Translating Data and Information to Better Decisions

Segment 3:

Fireside chat

Moderator: Ms. Pan Ei Ei Phyoe

”How to mainstream policy-relevant research and solutions in the policy space including the UNFCCC processes and the development of NAPs and NDCs” including Q&A with the audience

  • Ms. Ko Barrett, DSG, WMO
  • Ms. Maren Pott, Business Manager & Water Lead, High-Level Climate Champions, UNFCCC
  • Mr. Matthias Berninger, EVP, Public Affairs, Science, Sustainability & HSE, BAYER 

