Early Warnings for All Regional Multi Stakeholder Forum for Latin Americas and the Caribbean
St. Kitts & Nevis
The Multi Stakeholder Forum for Early Warnings for All for the Latin Americas and the Caribbean will be held on the 5th December 2025, at the Caribbean Comprehensive Disaster Management Conference in Saint Kitts and Nevis. The overall objective of this event is to bring together voices that represent the needs and opportunities surrounding early warning systems in the region and ensuring a mechanism is in place to guide actions towards 2027 and beyond. Specifically, among others, the event provides follow up to the proposed roadmap as outcome document from the first summit between NMHSs and NDMOs carried out on 27 February 2023 in Punta del Este, Uruguay as part of the preliminary events to the VIII Regional Platform for DRR (RP23). It will also look to maximize the inputs received from previous virtual consultations and conversations with member States as well as thematic networks such as women, youth, persons with disabilities, indigenous knowledge, science and technology, private sector and others active in the region.