The Conference
“Measurements and new technologies for WMO priority initiatives.”

Overall goal of TECO-2024
To strengthen the WIGOS measurement community by enhancing knowledge of observing and measurement techniques, methodologies, and related quality procedures for Earth system observations, and to foster collaboration among WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) stakeholders, including National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs), public and private agencies, manufacturers, research institutions and academia.
The conference will:
- Enable exchange of experiences and achievements in operational measurement practices, and the sharing of the latest developments in instrumentation, observing systems and methods, and related services;
- Support the transition of the latest technologies and techniques from research projects to operational practices thereby enhancing the information value chain;
- Increase awareness of environmental sustainability of observing systems, share relevant best practices and inform on developments and contribute to the implementation of environmentally friendly instruments and methods;
- Provide opportunities for direct interaction between the WIGOS community, manufacturers of meteorological and other environmental instruments and systems, and related industries and organizations;
- Contribute to and foster knowledge transfer, training and capacity development, particularly for participants from less-favoured countries;
- Share measurement practices and technologies relevant for the implementation of WMO priority initiatives such as Early Warnings for All, Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) and Regional Basic Observing Network (RBON), and Global Greenhouse Gas Watch (G3W);
- Develop proposals for future activities to be undertaken by the WIGOS measurement community.