Provision of critical weather information services to prevent and curb drought-induced forest fires - BMKG

30 September 2019

The roles of National Meteorological Services are the key to inform appropriate actions before and during hazardous event, such as the recent drought-induced fires and smoke episode in the western maritime continent area. The Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) is working closely with partner authorities in efforts to prevent and extinguish fires and also mitigate its impacts. In the dry season which is exacerbated with a strong positive Indian Ocean Dipole mode, conditions are much dryer than usual and thus chances of precipitations are generally small and the onset of the wet season is expected to be delayed. 

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The roles of National Meteorological Services are the key to inform appropriate actions before and during hazardous event, such as the recent drought-induced fires and smoke episode in the western maritime continent area. The Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) is working closely with partner authorities in efforts to prevent and extinguish fires and also mitigate its impacts. In the dry season which is exacerbated with a strong positive Indian Ocean Dipole mode, conditions are much dryer than usual and thus chances of precipitations are generally small and the onset of the wet season is expected to be delayed. 

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